Last week I was in New York City, on vacation with my girlfriend and her family. I have never been there before, and from the first day I knew I would like the city. Part of what was so enjoyable about New York is that I have seen much of it on TV and in Movies. While the city is definitely different than it appears on screen, it was really cool to see landmarks that I was familiar with from TV and movies. I also enjoyed not doing too many of the "touristy" things to do - such as the sightseeing bus tours. I feel like I got a good grasp of the city from just walking around, taking the subway, and visiting places and restarants that weren't pointed out to me from a touristy book or tour guide. I was definitely on "sensory overload" since I am not used to such a large, busy, and diverse city. I enjoyed always having somethign to do, the different types of people, and the ecological and cycling aspects to the city. Unfortunately, though, there are some elements of the city that really just left me thinking. I want to plan my thoughts on environmentalism and cycling in the city, so I'm gonna hold off on talking about that for a few days.
Some trip highlights (though I don't think I could say even one thing that I didn't enjoy):
- The Doughnut Plant
- The Natural History Museum (Especially the human evolution exhibit)
- NBC Studios Tour
- Washington Square
- St Patrick's Cathedral and St. Paul's Chapel
- The small part of Central Park that I visited
- Rockefeller Center
- The New York Public Library
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